Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ice blast update

Worked all through the night laying some ground work for the rest of my effects, setting up cameras and Kismet so I could get video captures of all my works. I also started on and ice effect. After a lot of wasted time trying to model a nice looking shard of ice in Maya (about 2.5 hours worth) I decided to jump into Zbrush, which after a while of not using it took a bit of time to re-learn. But in the end I came out with a very cool looking shard model.

 After I was happy with the sculpt, I tossed it into TopoGun and re-topologised a much lower res model for use in a particle system. My end result was an 80 tri ice spear. I searched a ton of reference for my effects. Thankfully Riot has video clips of every single character's abilities close up and from there I searched Kuler for a color palet resembling the one Riot uses for their ice themes (

 I've also begun to rough out my effect and have a decent system for the icicles, however, it's not quite what I want so I am leaving off on the ice while awaiting a reply from some effects artists on how I can achieve my desired look. I will work on other aspects of the effect while I wait.

Note* that is not the color I will be using for my ice, it is simply a place holder

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